Dear AALA/Teamsters Local 2010 Members, As your proud President, I want to address the ongoing […]
Breaking News: Election Results Congratulations to all the candidates for going above and beyond to […]
Superintendent Carvalho said LAUSD will protect rights of students and employees, regardless of status Los […]
Who We Are
The Associated Administrators of Los Angeles (AALA) proudly celebrated its 43rd anniversary this year. AALA was formed in 1981 when AESA (elementary association), LAASSA (secondary association), CDS (supervisory association) and ACCE (adult association) joined forces to form a single association to represent all middle managers in the Los Angeles Unified School District.
Associated Administrators of Los Angeles is a Bargaining Unit within the Los Angeles Unified School District responsible for the representation of its members who are the Administrators and Supervisors of the District. The structure for leadership is as follows:
The Executive Board of the Associated Administrators of Los Angeles is responsible for oversight and policy level direction for the management of the Association. The Executive Board is a body of elected members of the Association who jointly oversee the activities of the Association. They oversee the operation of the Representative Assembly and present adopted motions to that body for its approval. They counsel and advise the Association president on fiscal matters and evaluate Association employees. The Executive Board weighs potential decisions against the vision, governing values, and the good of the Association members.
All representatives shall be AALA members and have full voting rights in the Representative Assembly.
Representative Assembly Meeting Dates:
AALA Departments
AALA represents six administrative departments:
Unit J Shop Stewards
AALA’s Unit J Contract is a binding legal agreement between AALA Unit J and the Los Angeles Unified School District. Article XXI of the Contract defines the role and responsibilities of Job Stewards.
Professional Organizations
Whether you need assistance with membership, have a question or need representation, AALA’s staff is available to assist you! The office is open Monday to Friday 7:30 am to 4:00 pm (213/484-2226) or you can email 24/7