AALA has several levels of membership in addition to active LAUSD Administrators. They are detailed as follows:
Active Members
The Janus v. AFSCME decision requires new administrators and administrators in Agency Fee status to opt-in to the Associated Administrators of Los Angeles to become active members of the bargaining unit. It is important for everyone to opt-in and pay the monthly association dues of $42.92. Active members include both classified and certificated administrators. Certificated administrators are those on the LAUSD certificated Master Salary Table (G), with the exception of “Confidential” administrators. Classified management personnel are identified by class in the Unit J contract. Administrators may become active voting members of AALA by completing a Member Authorization Form, consisting of application, salary deduction authorization and an optional Political Action donation.
Payroll deduction of dues continues as long as the administrator’s employment in an AALA bargaining unit position ends or s/he revokes it by sending written notice via U.S. mail to AALA during the period not less than thirty (30) days and not more than sixty (60) days before the annual anniversary date of authorization or as otherwise required by law.
Active members’ rights include the following:
- Membership in a professional organization
- Voting on negotiated changes to the contract
- Involvement in AALA policy-making and governance as a Representative Assembly or Executive Board member
- Contractual protection of your working conditions
- Opportunities for professional development
- Receipt of the weekly Update
- Invitation to special events, both general and departmental
- Networking with colleagues
- No cost accidental death and dismemberment policy (AD&D)
- Discounted voluntary insurance policies long-term care, auto and homeowners, etc.
Active member dues: $515.04 per year
Associate Members – AALA Alumni
AALA Alumni, or Associate Members, are administrators at all levels who have retired and want to keep current with District activities and remain connected with their retired colleagues and friends. AALA Alumni do not have voting rights.
Associate member benefits include the following:
- Receipt of the weekly Update
- Invitation to the Fall Reception
- Invitations to the Fall and Spring Alumni Lucheons
- Continued contact with colleagues, retired and active
- Updated Health Benefits Information
- Updated Information regarding LAUSD
- Hearing aids at group savings for member and extended family
- Discounted voluntary insurance, including auto and homeowners, and others
Alumni Associate member dues: $45 per year
Apply for Alumni Associate Membership: Alumni Member
District Associate Members
District Associate Members are “confidential” District administrators, who are neither obligated to join AALA nor eligible for active participation. Membership as a District Associate provides the opportunity to keep informed about the activities of fellow administrators, colleagues, and friends.
District Associate member privileges include the following:
- Participation in all general AALA meetings
- Participation in all AALA functions and activities
- Subscription to the weekly Update
- Discounted voluntary insurance, including long-term care, auto and homeowners, and others
District Associate dues: $100 per year
Apply for District Associate Membership: District Associate Member.
Affiliate Members
Affiliate members are certificated employees who are aspiring administrators or no longer eligible to be Active members of AALA. Affiliate membership offers multiple opportunities to keep updated on the activities of administrative colleagues and friends.
Affiliate member benefits include the following:
- Participation in all general AALA meetings
- Participation in all AALA functions and activities
- Subscription to the weekly Update
- Discounted voluntary insurance – long-term care, auto and home
- Counseling to facilitate professional growth, upon request
Affiliate membership dues: $50 per year
Apply for Affiliate Membership: Affiliate Member.