L.A. school board president says anti-gay protests make students afraid
In 2004, Jackie Goldberg, then a California assemblywoman, married her partner at San Francisco City Hall in […]
Inside the celebrity-backed Roybal Film and Television Production Magnet, classrooms connect teens to Hollywood careers
The outdoor walkways of the Roybal Learning Center offer a panoramic view of the Los […]
LAUSD Board of Education votes to promote safe passage
The Los Angeles Unified School District board of education voted to promote school safety measures […]
LAUSD backs asylum seekers, condemns Biden administration policies
The Los Angeles Unified school board passed a resolution Tuesday that backs migrant asylum seekers […]
LAUSD Superintendent defends replacing Primary Promise — amid community outcry
Carvalho says the successful reading program is costly and doesn’t reach enough students LAUSD Superintendent […]
Following controversies, LAUSD board encourages more LGBTQ lessons in school
The LAUSD Board of Education passed a resolution on Tuesday, June 6, urging schools to […]
Carvalho says replacing Primary Promise will do more for LAUSD for less money
Los Angeles Unified School District Supt. Alberto Carvalho defended changes to the Primary Promise intervention […]
Carvalho wants 30 LAUSD high schools to offer online college courses in fall
L.A. Unified Superintendent Alberto Carvalho wants to dramatically increase the number of high schools offering […]
Deal extends L.A. school year, restores 3-week winter break
A sweeping agreement announced Friday between unions and Los Angeles school officials will result in […]
Bolstered by Miami track record, Carvalho revamps LAUSD Primary Promise reading program
Amid pushback, board sets public presentation for June 6 Alberto Carvalho came to Los Angeles Unified […]
Congressman Cárdenas talks tech funding at Van Nuys Elementary School
LAUSD used $280M in fed funding for home devices and internet, but that stream is […]
LAUSD makes big expansion in education of its littlest students
District to offer ‘transitional kindergarten’ to all four-year-olds in fall, but parents may need nudge […]