The Associated Administrators of Los Angeles union is a Bargaining Unit within the Los Angeles Unified School District responsible for the representation of its members who are the Administrators and Supervisors of the District. The structure for leadership is as follows:
AALA President
The President is elected by members of the bargaining unit for a term of three years. Candidates for the office must be employees of the District and active members of AALA. The President is responsible for the overall leadership of the Association including communication, organization, outreach and follow-through. S/he chairs the Executive Board and oversees the Representative Assembly. S/he is responsible for staffing and management of the AALA office. S/he serves as Chief Negotiator for AALA and selects members of the negotiating team.
Executive Board:
The Executive Board of the Associated Administrators of Los Angeles is responsible for oversight and policy level direction for the management of the Association. The Executive Board is a body of elected members of the Association who jointly oversee the activities of the Association. They oversee the operation of the Representative Assembly and present adopted motions to that body for its approval. They counsel and advise the Association president on fiscal matters and evaluate Association employees. The Executive Board weighs potential decisions against the vision, governing values, and the good of the Association members.
Representative Assembly
The Representative Assembly serves as the policy-making body of the Associated Administrators of Los Angeles. Members of the Assembly are members that come from all departments within the Association. The Assembly is responsible for the welfare of the membership and makes decisions and takes appropriate actions with that in mind. The Representative Assembly takes action upon those motions submitted by the President and the Executive Board. Actions taken are binding to all members of the Association.
The members of the Associated Administrators are grouped into six separate departments, each represented by a Vice President and two Directors.