This morning during the Committee of the Whole Meeting at Beaudry, the Superintendent announced and asserted that schools can request an appeal for additional carryover and positions as a result of the May Revise from Governor Newsom on Friday May 10. Click here for announcement.
For board comments on carryover click here. For board comments on Assistant Principal and other positions click here.
AALA President Nery X. Paiz continually advocated with board members and senior officials to increase the carryover amount for schools, allow for Assistant Principal appeals, and to maintain current levels of support services and staff. Moreover, he went to the state capital in April and May to advocate at ACSA Sacramento alongside administrators across the state on the issues affecting our schools and how they can support us via legislation. This past Saturday evening, President Paiz spoke to Mayor Bass, Supervisor Hahn and Assembly member Fong about those same challenges our schools face.
The District is aware that budget development is closed. However, there will be a process to reopen budget revisions that still include signatures from school councils. Additional allocations with next steps will be sent to each school.
As AALA President he is dismayed regarding the district’s timing. Assistant Principals and their supervisors are receiving reassignment letters during the heart of the school day. Surely the harbinger of bad news could have waited until close of business.