Who We Are
The Associated Administrators of Los Angeles (AALA) proudly celebrated its 43rd anniversary this year. AALA was formed in 1981 when AESA (elementary association), LAASSA (secondary association), CDS (supervisory association) and ACCE (adult association) joined forces to form a single union to represent all middle managers in the Los Angeles Unified School District.
During the first ten years, AALA members were represented in dealings with the Board of Education by the Superintendent, and membership in AALA was voluntary. After ten years in 1991, AALA requested and was granted supervisory status in order to become the exclusive bargaining unit representing all certificated middle managers except confidential and personal service contract senior staff. Supervisory status was accomplished by means of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that codifed the administrative regulations in the 4000 series of the Board Rules as the AALA/LAUSD “Contract.”
Starting in 1992, agency fee status was ratified making AALA membership or agency fee dues mandatory for all middle managers eligible for AALA membership. This was recently changed when the U.S. Supreme Court, in 2018, overturned the 1977 decision that allowed unions to collect agency fees, ruling agency fee as unconstitutional.
In 2004, AALA agreed to a formal union contract with the District. This contract replaced the MOU that had been in effect since 1991. Subsequent MOUs have become part of the formal contract.
In 1993, AALA joined forces with UTLA and the classified bargaining units to form the Health Benefits Committee (HBC). The HBC oversees health and welfare benefits for all District employees and makes annual benefit recommendations to the Board of Education. This collaborative bargaining process culminated in formal coordinated bargaining for health benefits in 2006, a milestone in union/District negotiations.
In 2010, AALA initiated a campaign to represent classified administrators within AALA. These administrators were previously District-represented employees without contractual protections or negotiating rights. With a cadre of classified leader/organizers and AALA’s leadership, representation came to fruition. In the summer of 2011, the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) and the District officially recognized the formation of classified administrators as part of AALA. The unit has begun work on an organizational structure and a bargaining team.
AALA is proud of its history as it has met the ever-changing requirements of its members for enhanced due process rights, fair and equitable working conditions and deserved benefits. What the next 25 years brings will be determined in large part by the needs of the members and their willingness to demand their rights. AALA owes a debt of gratitude to the many former members who fought for the rights now protected in our AALA/LAUSD contract.